Did we stutter? No! This week, Tara and Kris are joined by lesfic luminary Georgia Beers. Together, they talk about Georgia’s recommendations for queer media, what she wants to see more of and how sites…
You’ve met Thirsty Kris, but could we interest you in meeting…Baby Tara? This week, our fearless hosts reach that point in every podcaster’s life where you Google and read things up on sites while you’re…
This week Kris exchanges calling from a phone booth to staggering in with a hangover. From praising the qualities of Jif peanut butter to cursing the six peanut-butter-flavoured whiskeys she had on her Patreon exclusive…
This week, Kris calls in all the way from a 1980s phone booth, otherwise known as the polar vortex. It’s been a wild one, but Tara and Kris get right down to what matters. Peeps…
This week marks The Cancellation of Wynonna Earp by the Coward Capitalism. During her grief, Kris notices the correlation between her liking things and them immediately getting cancelled. Can she use this power for good?…
This week starts off with a brief but important discussion about the day after inauguration. Tara and Kris reflect on the feeling of holding your breath for four years, the perils of burnout and how…
They didn’t turn to salt, but holy shit what happened these last couple of weeks? Tara and Kris start off discussing the attempted American insurrection before getting into what they love. And this week? They…
Before jumping into 2021 with both feet and a prayer, Kris and Tara tempt turning into pillars of salt and look back at some of their favourite queer content that got them through Hell Year. …
Look, fuck 2020. It took our time, our mobility, our security and for some of us, our lives. Locked in our houses, bored to all variety of tears, we searched for the things that made…